Internship program

Curricular internships take place within February and May each year, the minimum duration is 250 hours. They consist of the placement of the student at a public or private institution in Italy or abroad, to carry out practical activities in line with the educational objectives of SciComm Master.

Internships offer an excellent opportunity to gain insight into a job, Company and industry. During an internship, students will work on a communication project agreed upon between the intern, the Host Organization and the coordinator of the SciComm Master program. Working students can intern at the Company where they’re working.

Even if many employers use internships to fast track potential candidates for job openings, internships do not represent, or imply, any employment relationship with the Host Organization. 

When looking for an internship, interns may use University’s Career Resources or research and contact potential employers directly.


Internships remain mandatory in e-learning mode and require interns to complete 250 clock hours over a two months period within the second semester (Usually February-May).
At the moment we are able to assist our students in finding an internship only in Italy, but we allow international students to complete the internship in their Country provided that they find themselves the internship. For international internships, in fact, we can assist students only with the administrative procedures and not in finding them.
Administrative requirements


Safety at Work training is legally mandatory and must be supplied by the employer (the host company or institution).

The majority of individuals already possess the standard certificate.
However, if you don’t, the University offers all interns the opportunity to participate in the online course on Health and Safety in the workplace – a comprehensive training for workers.

To enroll in the required Health and Safety in the Workplace course, candidates should follow these steps:

  1. Visit 
  2. Select “Student” and then proceed to the “Uni Login” option.
  3. Enter your login credentials to access your student account.
  4. Click on the “Courses You Are Registered” section and search for the specified Health and Safety in the Workplace General Training course.

In the event that it is not listed, navigate to “Courses to Which You Can Subscribe” and locate the course on Health and Safety.If any challenges arise during the process, feel free to reach out for assistance by contacting

This streamlined procedure ensures that all interns can readily access the necessary training for workplace safety, contributing to a secure and successful internship experience.

Setting up an internship in Italy involves three stages: accessing the Esse3 Internships and Jobs platform, signing the Agreement, and activating the internship with the student.

The host company/institution:

  • access the Esse3 Internships and Jobs platform,
  • signs the Agreement,
  • uploads the proposed internship to Esse3.

The prospective intern

  • finds a university supervisor,
  • accepts the proposed internship on Esse3,
  • and shares the proposal with the University supervisor.

The University supervisor

  • assesses the proposal
  • and sends their acceptance to Job Guidance.

At the end of this process the prospective intern download the final proposal,  signs it, had it signed by both the tutors, and send it to

Step 1 : Complete the DSRS online form – Internship closure – Phase 1

Attach the following documents:

  1. Internship Certificate Part 1 (available in Esse3) signed both by the company tutor and you

  2. Final Internship Report

  3.  Timesheet

Once the form has been completed and sent, the Job Guidance office issues the “Internship Certificate part 2“. Download it from your Esse3 reserved area, sign it and send it to your academic tutor for signature.

Step 2: Once the academic tutor sends you the signed Certificate part 2, attach it to the DSRS online form – Internship closure – Phase 2 

Step 3: Fill in the DSRS form – Internship evaluation – Student questionnaire.

Once the form has been completed, the system automatically sends an email to the Company tutor inviting him/her to complete the end-of-internship evaluation survey. When he/she has completed it your internship will be recorded.

Our alumni have taken an internship at:

A.N.SVI. Srl Accademia di Neuropsicologia dello Sviluppo
Roma. Italy

Areaderma Srl
Baselga di Pinè, Italy

Arditodesio – Jet Propulsion Theatre
Trento, Italy

Arnold Vuga Communication Agency
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Badisches Landesmuseum
Karlsruhe, Germany

Biblioteca Scientifica dell’ Ex Ospedale Psichiatrico
Pergine Valsugana, Italy

Blum Comunicazione
Bolzano, Italy

Centro Studi Giorgio Levi Cases
Padova, Italy

Chichiri Museum
Blantyre, Malawi

CIBIT – Coimbra Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Translational Research
Coimbra, Portugal

CIBIO – Centre for Integrative Biology
Povo (TN), Italy

CNR – Istituto di biochimica e biologia cellulare
Napoli, Italy

Cocoa Research Centre
Trinidad & Tobago

CORILA Consorzio per il coordinamento delle ricerche inerenti al sistema lagunare di Venezia
Venezia, Italy

Data Root
Santiago, Cile

DW Deutsche Welle, Germany’s international broadcaster
Bonn, Germany

Esplora Interactive Science Centre
Kalkara, Malta

FBK Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Povo (TN), ITaly

Fondazione Edmund Mach
S. Michele all’Adige (TN), Italy

Fondazione Pezcoller
Trento, Italy

Forest Foundation
Manila, Philippines

FoodHub Srl
Cesena, Italy

Immaginario Scientifico
Trieste, Italy

IN srl
Udine, Italy

IZSVe Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
Legnaro, Italy

Level Up
Trento, Italy

Manila Observatory
Quezon City, Philippines

MUSE Museo della Scienza
Trento, Italy

NOI Techpark
Bolzano, Italy

Nouscom AG
Roma, Italy

Observa Scienza e Società
Vicenza, Italy

Open Fiber
Rome, Italy

Politecnico di Milano
Milano, Italy

Modena, Italy

Provincia Autonoma di Trento 
Trento, Italy

R3 GIS S.r.l.
Bolzano, Italy

Shot de Ciencia 
Bogotà, Colombia

The Francis Crick Institute
London, UK

Trentino Comunicazioni
Trento, Italy

UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe
Venezia, Italy

Università di Bolzano
Bolzano, Italy

Università di Trento
Trento, Italy

Zanichelli Editore
Bologna, Italy