Course Features

Language English
Hours 16
Type Lessons


The course investigates how audiovisual media (cinema, television, YouTube) contribute to shape the imagination of techno-science.
The identification and the close reading of media texts (films, TV shows, videos) will provide the students with historical competencies and methodological skills to analyze the multiple features, contexts and imageries of the visual representation of techno-science and the figure of the scientist in the contemporary media sphere.


PhD in Audiovisual Studies, University of Udine, AlbertoBrodesco is a research assistant at the Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.
His two main research interests are the limits of representation (violence, death, pornography, freaks) and the technoscientific imagery on audiovisual media (cinema, television, YouTube).
He is author of Una voce nel disastro. L’immagine dello scienziato nel cinema dell’emergenza (Meltemi, 2008) and Sguardo, corpo violenza. Sade e il cinema(Mimesis, 2014; French translation: 2018), and editor (with Federico Giordano) of Body images in the post-cinematic scenario. The digitization of bodies (Mimesis International, 2018).
His publications appear in Cinergie – Il cinema e le altre arti, Nuncius – Journal of the Material and Visual History of Science, Scienza & Politica. Per una storia delle dottrine, Porn Studies, Public Understanding of Science.